Christian Distinctiveness

The Church of England has created a strong and recognisable ‘brand’ of schools with a distinctive Christian ethos which underpins all they do. Our schools should offer the highest standards of teaching and opportunities for learning and be responsive to the communities they serve, while maintaining and celebrating their distinctive Christian character. Each school will therefore have its own vision and set of values.


To read the full statement for Birmingham Diocesan Board of Education outlining their vision for education, please click here  

What does this look like in schools? What does being in a church school in the Diocese of Birmingham look like for pupils?  To see some examples, click here (For a printable version, click here)

How do schools show their Christian distinctiveness?

To read more about the influence of a Christian vision on the work of a school, see:  

eD 55 A Fresh Look at Church School Inspection: Examining the 2023 SIAMS  Framework - Grove Books


School website content that will reflect the vision and Christian character of your school

For guidance about how to show your school’s Christian distinctiveness on your school website, please access this link.

Spiritual Development

Guidance notes for policies

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