Embracing an Embedding Diversity in Church Schools

Embracing and Embedding Diversity in all Church Schools is intended as a guide so that school staff – of all faiths and none – will have the confidence to serve the Diocese’s wonderfully diverse community, whatever their own school’s individual context. 

As is often the case, one of the smallest words in the title is the most important – in this case “all”.  

It may be the case that, in your school, Christianity is central to the community you serve, but that, unintentionally, the need – and joy – to embrace and embed diversity is overlooked in the busy day-to-day challenges of education. The community may include a range of Christian denominations, whose differences can enhance the school’s understanding of diversity within the Christian tradition. This document places diversity front and centre and will help you to identify areas of practice which you can put into place, enabling you to more fully embrace and embed an understanding and representation of diversity in your setting. 

It may be the case that in your school a faith other than Christianity forms the background of the majority of your pupils’ lives away from education. In this context there may be a shared vocabulary and understanding of faith which helps the school community to better understand discussions and expressions of faith, however there can also be significant differences in understanding. These differences need to be addressed respectfully, but appropriately, in a school which must be clearly Christian in its character. This document will help you to navigate this – giving clear, practical examples – but it also gives examples of how you can further celebrate the shared elements of the predominant faith of the community served and that of Christianity. 

It may be the case that, in your school, the community served has little understanding of faith at all – a limited understanding coming only though the filter of an often sensationalist media. With little shared understanding or vocabulary of faith, our schools in these contexts represent an opportunity to share the Christian message – and an understanding of the diversity of other faiths – with wisdom and clarity. This document gives you a clear framework in which to do that. 

It may, of course, be the case that you have a comprehensive understanding of the contents of this document already, and that your school has as much to share with others as this document seeks to encourage. If that is the case, then we would encourage you share with others what has worked for yo,u and how you have effectively engaged with your community in this key area.  

Whatever your school’s context, it is hoped that there will be something within this document – and the excellent resources it links to - to help all Church schools better serve our unique communities.

For a full version of the guidance, please click the image below.


For Diversity Resources for Collective Worship, please click the image below. 

For Diversity Resources for Religious Education, please click the image below.

For Diversity Images, please click the image below.

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